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Version: 0.15.50

Integrating DataHub With Great Expectations



This integration allows you to push the results of running Expectations into DataHub ( DataHub is a metadata platform which enables search & discovery, federated governance, and data observability for the Modern Data Stack.

Technical background

There is a custom Action named DataHubValidationAction which allows you to view Expectation Results inside of DataHub.

DataHubValidationAction pushes Expectations metadata to DataHub. This includes

  • Expectation Details: Details of assertions (i.e. Expectation) set on a Dataset (Table). Expectation set on a dataset in GX aligns with AssertionInfo aspect in DataHub. AssertionInfo captures the dataset and dataset fields on which assertion is applied, along with its scope, type and parameters.
  • Expectation Results: Evaluation results for an assertion tracked over time. Validation Result for an Expectation in GX align with AssertionRunEvent aspect in DataHub. AssertionRunEvent captures the time at which Validation was run, Batch(subset) of dataset on which it was run, the success status along with other result fields.

Dev loops unlocked by integration

  • View dataset and column level Expectations set on a dataset
  • View time-series history of Expectation's outcome (pass/fail)
  • View current health status of dataset


Install the required dependency in your Great Expectations environment.

pip install 'acryl-datahub[great-expectations]'



Stand up and take a breath

1. Ingest the metadata from source data platform into DataHub

For example, if you have GX Checkpoint that runs Expectations on a BigQuery dataset, then first ingest the respective dataset into DataHub using BigQuery metadata ingestion source recipe.

datahub ingest -c recipe.yaml

You should be able to see the dataset in DataHub UI.

2. Update GX Checkpoint Configurations

Add DataHubValidationAction in action_list of your Great Expectations Checkpoint. For more details on setting action_list, see the configuration section of the GX Actions reference entry

- name: datahub_action
module_name: datahub.integrations.great_expectations.action
class_name: DataHubValidationAction
server_url: http://localhost:8080 #DataHub server url

Configuration options:

  • server_url (required): URL of DataHub GMS endpoint
  • env (optional, defaults to "PROD"): Environment to use in namespace when constructing dataset URNs.
  • platform_instance_map (optional): Platform instance mapping to use when constructing dataset URNs. Maps the GX 'data source' name to a platform instance on DataHub. e.g. platform_instance_map: { "datasource_name": "warehouse" }
  • graceful_exceptions (defaults to true): If set to true, most runtime errors in the lineage backend will be suppressed and will not cause the overall Checkpoint to fail. Note that configuration issues will still throw exceptions.
  • token (optional): Bearer token used for authentication.
  • timeout_sec (optional): Per-HTTP request timeout.
  • retry_status_codes (optional): Retry HTTP request also on these status codes.
  • retry_max_times (optional): Maximum times to retry if HTTP request fails. The delay between retries is increased exponentially.
  • extra_headers (optional): Extra headers which will be added to the datahub request.
  • parse_table_names_from_sql (defaults to false): The integration can use an SQL parser to try to parse the datasets being asserted. This parsing is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting parse_table_names_from_sql: True. The parser is based on the sqllineage package.

3. Run the GX checkpoint

great_expectations checkpoint run my_checkpoint #replace my_checkpoint with your checkpoint name

4. Hurray!

The Validation Results would show up in Validation tab on Dataset page in DataHub UI.

Further discussion

Things to consider

Currently this integration only supports v3 API Datasources using SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine.

This integration does not support

  • v2 Datasources such as SqlAlchemyDataset
  • v3 Datasources using an Execution Engine other than SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine (Spark, Pandas)
  • Cross-dataset Expectations (those involving > 1 table)

When things don't work

Other resources